Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Depression Awareness Week

This week is Depression Awareness Week.

This is a cause close to my heart, as I've suffered from depression. It is a terrible, debilitating disease, and despite the fact that 1 in 5 people in the UK are said to suffer from it, is still largely misunderstood. As the illness can cause shame and a desire to isolate yourself, many people are unable to speak out while they are suffering. It is also very hard to explain to someone who hasn't been through it. That is why initiatives like Depression Awareness Week are so important. I hope it will go some way to helping people, whether it's healthcare providers, employers, or friends and family, to understand the disease and how to support sufferers.

It may also reach those who are suffering but don't know why, and prompt them to seek the help they need. The good news is that there are things that you can do, and for most people depression is now treatable, or at least manageable. Things can get better.

If you think you, or someone you know, may have depression, it's important to see your GP as they can help you access a lot of the help that is available. I have always had wonderful support from my GPs, but I've also heard stories where this is not the case. If you don't think your personal GP will be sympathetic, ask if anyone at your surgery has a specific interest in psychological issues and arrange to see them.

There are many resources "out there" for people with depression and their family, friends and carers, here are a few I've found useful and/or interesting.

Depression Alliance

Black Dog Tribe via SANE

Help for partners

Self care is an important part of recovery from depression. Actually, it's important for everyone, but those with depression seem to have a lower tolerance for the strain we put ourselves under when we don't look after ourselves properly. The things that seem to really make a difference for me are:

  • Getting outside. Fresh air really is a tonic. Sunshine helps a lot too, but even on a grey, drizzly day I felt better for going outside for at least 15 minutes.
  • Exercise. If this is combined with going out, so much the better. Walking is great! I also do yoga, which helps me to relate to my body, and the meditative aspects of yoga practice are especially calming.
  • Eating well. You see, this is not controversial, some might say it's stating the obvious, but it's so easy to not do when you're busy and a bit stressed and not paying attention to yourself. I would eat a large packet of crisps for dinner, even though I know that I feel so much better when I eat mostly fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Compassionate mind. This was a phrase my therapist used with me. He was basically saying, be nice to yourself. Treat yourself as you would a good friend - which means not expecting to be able to get a million things done in one evening. Not beating yourself up when something doesn't go to plan. It's incredibly hard to do for some of us, and may require the support of a counsellor or therapist. But if you can, even occasionally, tell yourself that you did your best and learnt something, or look at the things on the list you did achieve rather than the ones you didn't fit in, it can be the start of a change in outlook.
Please spread the word about Depression Awareness Week. Get help if you need it (or a friend does). Look after yourself. Read some of the information that's out there to find out a little bit more about what depression is and what it isn't. Maybe with greater understanding and compassion, we can reduce the stigma and judgement that there currently is around the subject.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

On my feet for Healing Hands

Healing Hands Network
As you may know, I'm raising money for the Healing Hands Network. Healing Hands is a charity that brings together complementary therapists and people needing help as a legacy of war or disasters. The network pioneered its work in Sarajevo, Bosnia and is still there, working with those for whom rape, torture and the disappearance of loved ones during the war continue to have terrible consequences.

I’m hoping to go to Sarajevo in September as a volunteer practitioner. Although I know that the two weeks will be extremely hard, both physically and emotionally, I also think it will be incredibly rewarding. To go, I need to raise £750, although the cost to the charity is much higher.

Lucinda Cracknell Massage Hertfordshire
Waiting for the off
The fundraising got underway this weekend when I completed the Hertford 10k. This was a departure for me; usually I take my exercise, if at all, indoors and slow - think yoga. Partly this is due to back problems, so I was walking not running, but mainly it reflects a strong preference for warmth and comfort. Nonetheless, I'd been getting out and training, and not just when it was nice weather. I've been rained and sleeted on, all in the name of a good cause.

In the end, it was perfect day for it - sunny but not too warm. I set off at 10.30 with about 400 other participants, most of whom I didn't see again as I settled into my position at the back! I was second to last home, but really pleased to manage a time of 92 minutes, well inside my expected 100 minutes. And yes, I did treat myself to a massage afterwards.

Lucinda Cracknell Massage Hertfordshire
Success - with my medal
and goodie bag
Having proven I can do it, I have whetted my appetite so I'm thinking about taking on another challenge. There are more fund raising activities in the pipeline too. Keep an eye out for updates and ways to get involved. Here's a starter for 10; book a Healing Hands Massage and 50% of the price goes to the charity.

For more information about the Healing Hands Network see my page or their website. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so here.